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Untreated, some depressive symptoms associated with anabolic steroid withdrawal have been known to persist for a year or more after the abuser stops taking the drugs[6]. These symptoms may include insomnia (which includes nightmares), fatigue, and impaired judgment. In addition, the symptoms can also interfere with one's work, family relationships, and sex. Additionally, in many individuals, the withdrawal syndrome may be delayed if one was already depressed in the past when the steroid user takes off the drug. One potential concern of long term steroid users is that some individuals will develop depression, suicidal ideation, or suicide during and after the steroid phase of the cycle. A common misconception about steroid users who develop a depression and other mood disorders during periods of steroid maintenance is that they simply have switched to a different drug. In fact, this may occur as well during the steroid cycle. Since steroid users typically have a number of medications to cope with any emotional problems caused by steroid use, it appears that depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide are more likely to occur during steroid cycles and not during periods of steroid withdrawal. It is extremely important that all potential steroid abusers take an antidepressant as soon as possible if they discover that they are depressed and need help. Conclusion The majority of people who start steroid use are not in pain, have not abused the drug, and do not have a history of mental health problems. Unfortunately, however, steroid use does not always end well, and some individuals may even develop a depressive disorder. One factor that increases the risk of depression, suicides, or violent behavior is the presence of other mental health concerns. The combination of depression, suicidal ideation, or suicide is likely to increase the risk of these events as well. It is therefore important to take adequate steps to protect oneself from suicide, including self-awareness, the use of anti-depressants as soon as possible when someone is experiencing distress, and the avoidance of steroids. Similar articles: